Parish Life Team an advisory team which assists the Pastor in implementing parish goals and objectives, which are based on our parish mission statement. It does not manage the day-to-day operations of the parish; but it directs and supports various aspects of parish life by providing the framework for parish planning. Members are appointed by the Pastor.
The Finance council advises the Pastor in matters pertaining to the financial affairs of the parish. The Council reviews operating procedures and submits an annual parish operating budget. The Council does not make final decisions or handle the parish’s finances. Members are appointed by the Pastor.
The oldest lay ministry in the Church is open to members of the parish. Their faith enables them to see Christ’s presence in the community of believers. An usher’s responsibility includes welcoming people to the Church, helping them get seated for liturgies, assisting in taking up the offering, handing bulletin to people & being available to answer questions. Ushers assist at various solemnities and musical events.
The Altar Guild changes altar linens and arranges floral decorations for liturgical seasons, solemnities, and feast days. Other duties include plant care and care of the sanctuary. All men and women in the parish are welcome to be members of the Altar Guild.